Monday, 2 January 2012

Layout Stuff


Revised stadium. Smaller bleachers, and not so banged up.


  1. this is great dude! I rlly dig the stadium, personally I think that it should be a really run down, small stadium. Any thoughts?

  2. was my decision to have it "not run down." to avoid the Nacho Libra feel as well as a few other reasons

    But I don't like the HUGE bleachers. I'm feeling they should be more liked high school track and field bleachers.

  3. I was thinking that the main vibe for the film was not nacho libre poor, but starting off in at least a smaller Mexican village. I'm just thinking the house (in my opinion) is a little big.

    However I really like the stadium. And with smaller bleachers like Charles said would be perfect!

  4. The houses are actually several houses built on top of and beside each other, which is something I noticed in some of my reference. It would probably make more sense in colour. Also, it isn't El Flamingo's house, I was just trying to get a feel for the village in general.

  5. Fair enough, it was just a bit different from the references I saw that's all.


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