Wednesday, 7 March 2012

This week's Schedule!!!!

Character Design: 
Design all the one off poses, based on the actual designs of course, and following the
storyboard for what you need.
I know it seems rushed, but to start animating, we need these done by SATURDAY at 4pm

Put your nose to the hose on them, they don't need the cleanest lines, just enough for the builders!!!

Character Builders:
Build the one off poses after they're designed, need them done by TUESDAY at Midnight!!!!
We'll share and decide who's building what, kk!!!


Get all the layouts to a point where they can be painted, and paint the ones that we do have approved!!! (Such as Megs or most of Devin's stuff, and whoever elses haha)
by Tuesday


Let's get this stuff organized to go

Scene set-up:
Let's do what we can

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