Thursday, 8 March 2012

One offs

Scene 1:
Sc4: In this corner (Med)
Sc6: Jerk, Aguila hold (Easy)
1. Aguila with feathers sitting
(has to has to have face separate, and with mouths)

Who: HB
Builder: Meg

Sc8: Announcer zip-pan to El Aguila (Easy-Med)
2. Arms up pose (Just need new arms that are up and traps)

Who: Glen M.
Builder: Devin

Sc10: Flexing point (Easy-Med)
3. Flex and point (Need new flexible arms, and a point in perspective)
-Also a pose before with just his shoulder

Who: HB
Builder: Aaron

Sc18: Over top shot (Easy)
4. Over top model (Birds eye-view)

Who: John Glen
Builder: Gal

Sc29: Close up on Aguila, three (Easy)
5. Up shot face and shoulder

Who: HB
Builder: Tara

Sc31: Aguila pops up with arms in air (Med)
6. New arms, could use up shot face from previous

Who: Glen M
Builder: Devin

Sc33: Chumbo on floor, "Now…" (Med)
Sc34: "I Shame you."  close up (Easy-Med)
Sc39: Aguila close up (Easy)
7. Up shot of full body, holding arm up.
-Must be able to close in on an up shot for face.

Who: HB (I Gave you all the upshots, to keep them consistent :) )
Builder: Tara

Sc43: Aguila Holding mask up (Easy-Med)
8. Arm up holding mask (Probably be made with other pieces of him from other one off poses)

Who: Glen M.
Builder: Devin

Sc44: Holding mask up, chumbo sitting (Easy)
9. Back shot holding mask, fully redraw

Who: John Glen
Builder: Corey

Final Scene:
Sc10: Strangled (Med)
10: Use up shot face from before, new arms for strangling, and new bent down knees

Who: Glen M.
Builder: Aaron

El Flamingo:
Sc18: Over top shot (Easy)
1. Over top model

Who: John Glen
Builder: Gal

Sc24: Chumbo on floor, agile comes in over shoulder (Easy)
2. Complete redraw, of body in perspective and broken

Who: David
Builder: Yochie

Sc33: Chumbo on floor, "Now…" (Med)
3. On floor low shot

Who: David
Builder: Yochie

Sc35: Hand coming in (Easy-Med)
4. Use pieces of 2 and new more movable face
(Same as 2, but closer, could be same model)

Who: David 
Builder: Yochie
Sc40: Chumbo on floor (Easy)
5. On floor in underwear, new drawing of body in awkward pose

Who: Yochie
Builder: Annette

Sc44: Holding mask up, chumbo sitting (Easy)
6. Need bendable back legs (use back shot, put new legs on him)

Who: Yochie
Builder: Charles

Sc46: Pan up from mask, then run away (Med-Hard)
7. Need bendable front view legs (Just the new legs will be good)

Who: Yochie
Builder: Charles

Final Fight:

Sc9: Flamingo spirit bursts out and jump (Hard)
8. Need a few poses here probably, especially jump

Who: David
Builder: Annette

Sc10: Strangled (Med)
El Flamingo: 2 Getting strangled

Who: David
Builder: Aaron

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