Hey this is coming close to the end everybody! We've been through some nice times, some great, no bad times...
any way here's the schedule:
Animation: Finish tweening all your scenes! - This Thurs the 5th
You should already have your scenes posed out and half done already FROM LAST WEEK, so therefor this should be a breeze!
Layout: These should be all done by Tuesday the 10th (AKA You have 4 full days after Animation to do this)
Poster: This should be done Wednesday the 11th
(12 weeks in the making) I'm sure it'll look great!
NO excuses this time! We all have the same amount of work, meaning there's no reason not to have your stuff done.
If there is any problem in meeting your deadlines talk to me (Aaron), Devin or Charles or all of us
and we can work something out.
Thanks babies,
Sir Licious Lecours
Friday, 30 March 2012
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Production Schedule Week 11
By Thursday respective departments should have:
Animation: All your scenes posed out, and half of them tweened and ready to go to Korea
Layout: You should have 2/3's of the backgrounds you need to paint, painted (Not much time to not
get these done)
Poster: Start painting it
(Remember: as you finish and pose your scenes mark it on the production spread)
the eighth wonder of the world
Friday, 23 March 2012
on the hard drive and computer. if you need it just grab it you goofball! thehehe
also a few more fists in both Chumbo and El Flamingo
also a few more fists in both Chumbo and El Flamingo
Monday, 19 March 2012
Sunday, 18 March 2012
el chumbo ugly reveal
Painted scene for when El Chumbo is unmasked. Scene cuts off at where line-art ends e.g the ear and chest.
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Friday, 16 March 2012
Schedule for week 9 to 10
For this week I want you all to finish the scenes you guys posed out for Barney this week (Tween, antic, tweak)
And then grab 2 more of your scenes and key pose them out (if your scenes are shorted pose out 3 or 4 more!!!)
Scene Setup:
I want the scenes all set-up by this Tuesday, with or without layouts. (Not Thursday)
All the lines should be done now, so all you painters grab your scenes, (either from the blog, or the computer or hard drive)
and start painting them.
I WANT 1/3 of your paintings done this week ...No more dogging around on it
Poster: Define your roughs, choose your final to start painting
Music: Contact who you need
(Remember mark down in the Production Schedule what scenes you have set-up on your
Love you all
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Monday, 12 March 2012
Pan Painting -WIP
El Director wanted me to post the WIP of the pan that I'm painting. I'm hoping to get it done tomorrow, and then would also have the ground pan done as well.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Saturday, 10 March 2012
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