Monday, 5 December 2011

Storyboard Scenes

Ok, so we've gone through the script and broke up which parts can be storyboarded separately, so you can ask either Aaron, Charles or Devin for which scenes you'd like to work on and thumbnail out.

But make sure you know what the axis of the main characters are, so you guys can work together to figure out the fundamentals.


- Opening house scene into the eye

-Camera out of eye, first fight to him running away

-Runs through the lonely desert til he falls down

-Flamingo Spirit first meeting until El Crumbo starts training

-Training montage until Flamingo Spirit fades away

-Flamingo landing, into El Flamino and El Aguila challenge

- Moon to sun establishing shot,  second fight to losing

-El Flamingo in empty wrestling arena and the child

1 comment:

  1. Here's how the scene's are getting thumb nailed/boarded:

    1- Rigg, Jenn
    2- Chris
    3 - Annette
    4 - Chris
    5 - Rigg, Jenn
    6 - Rigg
    7 - All
    8 - Annette


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