Friday, 30 December 2011

Beginning Layouts/Concepts (El Flam House Ext/Int)

Here are some sketches/colour studies I've been toying with today.  These are quick rough but at least I thought this might get the ball rolling with the Layout team.  Nice to see I'm on the same brainwave as our Art Director.  

 El Flamingo House EXT

 El Flamingo House INT


Colour script

So heres some progress on the colour script I've been working out. With explanations to be added tonight. Please guys, lets see some work! Gonna be awesomeeee!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011


Hey guys, please post your skype info here so we can all get in touch!!

Charles: charmales

Yoche: yoche.bee

Aaron: aaronlecours

Meg: megsimmons

Annette: horcsi24

Chris: christos.rousakos

Dyane: princess.natalia3

Glen M.: g.manalo

Jen S Chiu: misosoup08

HB: henrique.barbieri

Jenn: jsycc5

Rigg: Tr00matt

Barney - shrimpscomedy

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Layout Resource Post!

This guy has done a ton of traveling across central and South America and has pictures for each state that he's traveled.

It takes a bit of digging but it's interesting to see the different vegetation/landscapes/buildings. (Look for the thumbnails link for each state) It's where I've been getting some ideas for in terms of  the landscape.  I've done a few sketches but not happy with them yet, I'll be posting some stuff within the next day or so though.

Hope this helps layout team!!

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

A little bit of inspiration-Some real Flamingos

Flamingos Flock to Mexican Oasis

bg characters

Here are some bg character designs for the crowd. And the little boy who gives el flammers the bobble!

You may or may not recognize some of the girls ahaha! I hope to get more people in. Let me know what you think.

Mood colours

Check out these mood boards from Secret of Kells!

Friday, 16 December 2011

Winter Break Ideal Schedule

Good morning sexy brother
I know we just finished a monster semester with too many late nights. But if we can get some stuff done over the break then all the better for fourth semester.

As for the writing team we need to go in and trim out a little more of the script, just to speed it along when it slumps in the middle, among other things you guys think are unnecessary.

(If the script can get trimmed out between the start of break and new years it would be good, you guys can all skype or just talk amongst yourselves)

For Layout we have plenty of location designs to do:
-Mexican Village from a far
-His house as a child
-Wrestling Arena
-City streets
-Desert at night
-Flamingo Pit (This is where a lot of the montage takes place, so read the script on the google docs
to take into consideration what might need to be in the flamingo pit and around the pit)

(Layouts would be best to get done by New Years, and anybody who does one or all of them can post them online and the Director, Charles D. Jones can take a look)

Storyboard can do thumbnails, so we can revise and clean them when we get back.

(The Boards can get done anytime over the break, as long as there's a take on all the scenes by the time we get back to the guys can also set up a skype date that works for your schedules)

As for Character design, we can start finalizing some designs, and start thinking of background characters...people in audience, the young boy at the end, etc. (anybody in Char. design can start working on these incidental characters). This way we can character build in the first few weeks when we get back for fourth semester.

(This is another thing we can do during the break anytime, cause we already have enough for the board artists to get to work on the generalities of the characters)

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

For the board artists

Check out this guy's boards and animatics. Obviously our boards don't have to look like that but I thought they might inspire you guys.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Storyboard Scenes

Ok, so we've gone through the script and broke up which parts can be storyboarded separately, so you can ask either Aaron, Charles or Devin for which scenes you'd like to work on and thumbnail out.

But make sure you know what the axis of the main characters are, so you guys can work together to figure out the fundamentals.


- Opening house scene into the eye

-Camera out of eye, first fight to him running away

-Runs through the lonely desert til he falls down

-Flamingo Spirit first meeting until El Crumbo starts training

-Training montage until Flamingo Spirit fades away

-Flamingo landing, into El Flamino and El Aguila challenge

- Moon to sun establishing shot,  second fight to losing

-El Flamingo in empty wrestling arena and the child

Let there Be Boards! (Storyboarder's READ)

Here is a edited page of boards to work thumbnailes out on. And certain scenes should be solidified and chosen by Charles. Devin. Aaron. So u can start boarding THIS WEEK WOAH!
(These will be scenes we believe are strong enough to stay even via the first draft of the script but still may get cut. so Don't put huge amount of time into the drawings)

P.S Chris if u could scan your Spider-man thumbnails to put up as examples. Thank you

Friday, 2 December 2011


Guys, the script is done and up. IT. IS. LOOOOOOONG. An edited version will be up soon as well.


Both Versions Are Up

Character Designs - First Batch

This is the final design for the "generic flamingo".

Here are some roughs to give you guys a feel of the main characters:

-David :]

Leica Reel layering.

This is an example of what kinds of layering and simple animating you can do with a leica reel. Just make sure that when you're doing your finals you keep the characters and backgrounds on separate layers.

Don't worry about animating arms and all that nonsense, just keep it simple.

This Leica reel was done by Dong-shin in 3rd year.