Wednesday, 23 November 2011

3 Act structure and Google Docs

Okay guys, yesterday the writers hashed out the beat script for the film, and broke it up into a traditional 3 act structure. Its up with the rest of the documents on Google Docs.

Here's the link to the documents for all of the important people to see (Aka. A class and Sir Wornoff)

1 comment:

  1. Just read the 3 act structure. Looking good and solid. I likey.

    I just have a couple suggestions..

    - Regarding his wrestler name (The Cactus) before he becomes El Flamingo, I was thinking maybe the meaning behind it could be a bit deeper(Unless hes supposed to be a prick, then its fine.BadZing!lol). I was thinking maybe El Camaron, The Prawn, which flamingos eat and in turn create their bright pink coats.

    - Regarding the flamingo spirit.. Maybe it only appears when he's dazed or high on something lol? ie) the first incident, he could hit his head on the way down from the hill, and end up face to face with a lawn ornament of a flamingo which he imagines as a spirit guide. and maybe the 2nd time, before the match with the Eagle, he is in front of a mirror and hallucinates and sees his reflection(being in a flamingo suit and all) as the Flamingo spirit.

    Also, fun little geeky fact. I wiki'd flamingos to check info about em, and see where they're located, and found that they're in some genus called Phoenicopterus which in Greek means "Phoenix's wing", which is very fitting to the story and how he keeps losing and keeps coming back(death and rebirth theme).


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